I always tell friends that I don't believe in destiny. It seems that a lot of my friends think destiny will make something happen for them if it's meant to be. I keep telling them, though, that destiny doesn't make you, that you make your own destiny. I even say that destiny only gives you the opportunities but that it's up to you to make the most out of these opportunities. Things won't be handed to you on a silver platter and won't appear in front of you just because it's meant for you.

Well, I might have to loosen my grip on this belief a bit. I think that destiny just showed me that I can't control everything -- that there are some things that destiny means for me and which I can't do anything about no matter how much I try.

This has been foretold for me so many times in the past but I refused to listen. I was so determined not to make it happen, especially because I had wanted something else at the time. When it was on the brink of of happening, I somehow sensed that what they said was gaping to come true and that it was that. Still, I was trying so hard to deny it. I was still determined to stop it.

In this instance, however, my strength of will wasn't enough to beat destiny. It happened anyway, quite quickly even, and without me noticing it. It sort of just crept up on me. What's surprising, though, is that the thing I fought so hard against was actually something I welcomed. Does this mean that destiny (if there ever is such) really gives us what's best for us?

Now everything that has been foretold seem to come together and make more sense. I remembered, too, that I told myself seven years ago that this would happen after seven years. I just realized that yeah, it's now seven years later and it happened. Weird, huh? With this self-prediction came a prayer for God and some conditions LOL... i have yet to see if God would grant me this prayer all the way based on the conditins I set (Too demanding, am I? :P ). Oh by the way, to the friends who'll be asking me what that is, don't bather 'cause I won't tell :-)

Anyway, stubborn as I am, I still believe that you have and should have control over your destiny, but now I accede that there are some instances when destiny knows what's best for you and which you really have no control over. In this case, at least it was something very pleasant :)

Thank you, destiny!:-)