I was finallly leaving after three fustrating years and I sorta felt empty for not feeling any tug of sadness upon my departure. I felt that I didn't have any attachments there and I was only too happy and excited to finally be leaving and starting anew.

I said goodbye to Mr. Guru and just as comfortable as my first conversation with him was some three years ago, saying goodblye was just as comfortable, with the easy chatter and banter between old friends. 

When he said "Bye pink" I was immediately brought to tears and I realized that I have had some attachments after all. Meeting someone like him is a rarity and then I thought, no one will ever call me pink again :(

It was followed by some more hreart-wrenching goodbyes and I realized that I have made more friends than I thought after all. Although I'm leaving with some severed ties, the bridges I've built far outweigh them, and these I'll lways take with me.