I was reading through some of my last entries and I was suddenly inspired to write something new here.I have tried to avoid blogging as it can be quite distracting -- from the seemingly more important things in life. But maybe I should start blogging again... yeah right, how many times have I made that resolution?

Anyway, I hadn'tt realized that it's been almost a year since I last wrote something here, and looking back, wow! How my  life as changed since then -- and for the better, too!

I never would have thought I'd reach this place. If Id been told a year ago that things would be like this a year later, I would have been really skeptical. But yeah, I'm in a much better place now - mentally, physically, and spiritually. I finally got myself out of the rut that seemed to have no end.

I've met a lot of wonderful people during the past year and I absolutely love the work that I do.

All in all, I can't complain. Although I won't be surprised if I find myself seeking a new adventure after a while, I believe that for the moment, I'm at the best place I can possibly be.

It's true that we get to appreciate things mostly on hindsight. Well, who knew? :)