This is a question I've had to contend with and mull over recently. To have a goal is one thing. How to achieve that goal is another. No matter how wonderful a goal may seem, if you don't have the means for reaching it, then all is in vain.

I thought I've had it all figured out. I had a plan. I figured that to think of everything all at once can be overwhelming, and may even make the goal seem impossible to reach. If all you can see is the end of the road but the path seems blurry, it can indeed seem like a hopeless journey.

So I've stopped trying to think of everything at once. Instead, I tried to break down my goals into smaller milestones that are more easily achieved, but which can make the road ahead just a bit more visible.

However, even as I thought I've figured things out, there are still some gaps in the plan -- gaps that I may have no control over. With this roadblock on my path, how should I proceed? Now there's another "how" to hurdle.

I was talking to ExtrremelyNice today, and we were talking about how having sheltered childhoods deprive us of life's lessons. In situations such as I'm facing now, I wish there was a book I could refer to. A user guide to tell me what the next step is. But as it is, I'm only now beginning to experience these things. With the many how's I encounter and will encounter, I guess I can only grope my way towards the end of the road.


Unknown said...

If you've watched "The Secret", you don't have to worry about the HOW-- focus on your goal, pray hard and concentrate on it and all circumstances will lead to the achievement of that goal.. there are many roads to the destination so the road that you have planned might not be the road that the Universe plans for you to achieve your goals.

Reina said...

Hi Steph,

Thank you so much for your advice. Yes, I've heard of the movie "The Secret", but I've never watched it. Perhaps it's time I look for a copy and watch it.

By the way, you were right in everything that yoou said. Thanks again!