Okay, so I haven't blogged for some days now. Well, I guess I've suddenly become so busy -- and it's not so much that I don't have the time to blog but that I can no longer think about much to blog about.

An idle mind is a playground for thoughts -- hmm, quite contradictory -- and my un-busy state just kept me thinking of all sorts of things that I'd like to blog about.

This week, though, marks the end of a year of bumming around. I started working on my side projects...and yes, I already got a second project from another client...how fun! So there, my thoughts mostly revolve around work now, aside, of course, from the obvious, and I haven't had much time for musing about things as I usually have.

I think, though, that I'm at a much better place. I actually feel happier and more fulfilled. I even look forward to going home not just for the usual things but also for getting to work on those projects. Wow, I'm actually writing again -- and from scratch! That's another reason for the decline in my blog. My blog used to be my only outlet for writing, but now I can bury myself in hours of writing bliss and don't even mind the late nights and the one or two hours of sleep that I lose. All's good!

I get bored with routine, and having these freelance projects allow me to work on a variety of projects, which definitely make things more interesting. I am also blessed to have a couple of really cool clients who seem easy to work with and who are flexible with arrangements, so hopefully I won't end up being a writing machine the way I did with my last freelance job. I got so burnt out from that, that it kept me away from the freelance scene for three years or so.

Well, all's good in terms of my work now. I actually appreciate my regular job now, as it allows me the flexibility to work on these other things. Plus I now get the fulfillment from a job, which I seemed to have missed for the past year.