It feels like I got a new prescription, and it seems to be working really well. For some reason, I've been pretty happy -- more like very happy -- recently, which is quite surprising for me.

I'm the cynical type, and though I consider myself pretty optimistic, I still look at life in a pretty bleak way. Yeah, I know. That sentence alone is a mish mash of contradictions, but well, you get the point.

Lately, I feel like I've been on the happy pill. Yeah sure, things still get me down, but just a small dose of the happy pill is enough to reproduce my happy hormones.

The ironic thing is there's so much more to write about when I'm kinda down and not much to share when things are going great. Well, I'll just keep my happy pills to myself (I'll just let you find yours :P), and hope I don't run out of them soon!