Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Once again, this Bible verse has proven to be true for me.

As advised by my dad and my friends, I tried looking for side projects recently. This way, I'll have something to do with my free time. I'll no longer get bored, and my brain cells will have some of the exercise that they need. Plus I definitely can use the cash.

It's been a few weeks that I've been looking for projects, with the help of a friend, but nothing seemed to be materializing. However, one day I got this email, inviting me to send a proposal for a project, and we've just closed the deal...yayy!

It's just funny how sometimes you go after something so hard and then God just sends you the one that's meant for you...from seemingly out of nowhere! The project seems to be a good deal, and my client seems to be really nice so all's cool.

So now I'll definitely have less time for Facebook (Thank God!). Not that Facebook is so bad. It's just that I feel I have better things to spend my time on, and I'll at least get to go back to creative writing again and even try my hand at becoming a professional blogger LOL. Gee, I wonder how I'll do with that. Up until now, I've just blogged for myself :P

I've been here before. Had too many jobs on the side that it led to a major burnout. This time, I'll try to maintain the balance I seem to have achieved and hopefully just enjoy everything :)