I'm actually excited with the coming of this year. I can feel that exciting things will happen this year -- or perhaps I'll make those exciting things happen. Whichever the case, I know this year will be different.

This year will be a year of growth and change. I can almost hear Merl and Job muttering that my blog's about life lessons or "high school lessons". Yeah, well, I'm a late bloomer :P And I guess that comes from always playing it safe.

This year I hope to become UN-ME. To do things I don't normally do. To be more impulsive. To be more passionate about the things I do and not just doing them because I have to.

I'm glad that I got to achieve most of my New Year's resolutions last year. This year, I won't even attempt to list them down, as there are too many. This year, it's gonna be all about me -- focusing on my goals, improving myself in all aspects, and just being happy. Worries, go away! :P


Liza said...

So that's why you have that new look! I love it! :)

Reina said...

Thanks, Liza! But sssh!!! :-)