Prejudice goes both ways, and prejudice often leads to bias. This is a blog entry that's long overdue (except I didn't have a blog yet before), and I really wouldn't write about this anymore, except it was brought up in a conversation I had with a friend recently. My pet peeve actually -- if you can call it that, and I feel so strongly about it, it never fails to make my blood boil so-to-speak.

It's just that I don't get how people can be so blinded from the truth. They see what they want to see and not what actually is, no matter how apparent. They sort of have these notions in their heads that they just won't let go of.

I don't believe that first impressions last. For me, everyone starts with a clean slate -- no impressions at all... yeah, maybe I do have first impressions, but they're subject to change as I get to know the person more.

In this particular case, it seems their first impression was carved in stone and cannot be changed no matter what. I wouldn't blame them really. It took me over a year myself to see the "truth". I, too, wanted so desperately to believe what I wanted to believe. I wanted so much to believe in a person's goodness. But to play ignorant is stupid, and really, how else can I deny something so clear?

I really don't care about people's opinions. I mean, everyone's entitled to their own. It just really irks me that some people get away so easily with deception.

I hate it that some people would do everything to advance themselves even at the expense of others. Being cunning, manipulating people and psyching them up without appearing to is a real talent. However, I think that only insecure people would feel the need to do so in order to get ahead. I think that if you're confident about yourself and have the right skills plus the right attitude then you'll surely get to where you want to go without stepping on other people's toes.

A friend lent me a book titled Why Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office (I'm still reading it lol), and we had this discussion that you have to be a little "bad" in order to get to the top. Well, if being "bad" means being assertive, being bold with your ideas and taking a stand for what you think is right then sure. But if being "bad" means undermining others then I wouldn't mind staying where I'm at.

I think that a truly great person doesn't need to stoop down to malicious ways to achieve a goal. A truly great person will shine no matter how much he or she humbles himself or herself, just as a diamond will still sparkle no matter how small it is.

Err, did I say I felt strongly about this? :P