Just some nice things some strangers have done for me recently:

  • It was raining one time and I was having difficulty hailing a cab when this lady offered me a ride. She and her husband dropped me off at Market! Market!, as they were also going to shop there. They were really nice and made the ride comfortable. They were such a cute couple, too :)
  • I didn't have change one morning, and the cab driver didn't either so he didn't let me pay for that ride. He told me to just pay him the next time I saw him. He also lived in the same neighborhood. He gave me another ride some weeks later, and I was trying to pay him extra to compensate for the inconvenience I caused, but he refused to accept it! Wow! Other cab drivers would pull all sorts of tricks to get me to pay extra!

Tricks include flattery, appeal, trying to befriend me, or trying to appear stern... Me? I usually just keep to myself so I don't have to talk to them. Plus they tend to get nosy about my love life! As in what the ----?

  • This guy has bean hailing cabs for me. Not really necessary, as we can do it on our own, but a nice gesture anyway :P Vanilla says he's my office mate. Jeez, I really should pay more attention to the people I bump into on the office corridors.