I wasn't as excited about this year's finale as I was last year for the simple reason that Adam Lambert did not win as I was hoping he would. It wasn't really much of a surprise, though, after last week's results. As Ryan was announcing this season's winner, I was hoping he would say Adam Lambert, but on the other hand, I was half expecting him to say Kris Allen.

Adam clearly has the better vocals -- the best among this season's contestants. I even kinda felt bad for Kris in last night's final competition (or whatever) because the judges were obviously biased towards Adam. But really, what else can you say after hearing and watching Adam perform? No one among this season's contestants can sing the way Adam does.

So why did Adam lose? Well, he actually didn't lose. They're both winners, but why did Adam get the lesser number of votes? One reason I can think of is that Kris got the sympathy vote -- a nice college kid, with a wife, and who's been the underdog throughout the show, versus Adam who has been a favorite since the beginning and who seemed to be doing well in life prior to American Idol.

Another reason could be Adam's sexual preferences (i think he's come out of the closet, though I have yet to read articles specifically saying that) versus Kris who has a wife (did I already mention that before?) and who actively participates in church.

A third reason can be that some just think Adam's "style" is too over the top and actually find his high notes quite irritating. Yeah, same critique that singers like "eight-octaved" Mariah Carey gets.

Well, big congrats to Kris for winning! But Adam is just as much of a winner for me. Nothing against Kris, but I still think Adam is the rightful owner of the title. But who cares? It's just a title. Both of them are sure to have successful careers ahead of them, and I can't wait for their albums to come out!