I'm not the most organized person, but I'm not the most disorganized either. A former superior had criticized me for being too organized -- too "black and white" -- that I tried to be more flexible, to be more spontaneous (???).

I still try to be this, but I'm failing miserably at it. The thing is, it's not me. My world goes into chaos when things are not orderly. That's why I'm going back to who I am -- the one who is organized, follows the rules, who sees things as either black or white (I know this has disadvantages, too, but it's the only way I know how to organize my thoughts), plans ahead, finishes things before they are required, and the list goes on.

Planning ahead really does pay off. I tried to be flexible and open-minded about being more "spontaneous" or "erratic", about doing things by someone else's way instead of my own, and what a mess that was! For sure, it led and is still leading to a lot of frustrations -- what with all the wasted time and effort. Yes, that's what happens when you always do things at the spur of the moment.

I've always been a stickler for rules, and although rules can be quite confining and limiting, they still help keep things organized and under control especially when others are involved.

I'm also a go-getter. Kinda bratty, I guess, in that I always make sure I get what I want. But I've learned that not everything is at your beck and call. Not everything will happen exactly when you want them to, so again it's important to plan ahead. This way, the other people or external factors involved in your goal will have ample time to do their part in the accomplishment of your goal.

I can't wait to get some organization back into my life, especially in that which frustrates me the most. I'm freeing myself from the bondage of randomness.