I've just recently finished my project at work, and I've had some idle time after that (Don't worry, my boss knows I'm idle :P ), so I've just been doing a lot of surfing on the web and reading up on whatever.

I recently came across an article on the Law of Attraction, and it really caught my interest. I thought that it was as simple as thinking positive to attract positive things into your life, but it's not so simple after all.

The Law of Attraction consists of the following steps:

Ask. This is the step where you identify what you want to attract into your life. You have to be careful about what you ask for and be as specific as possible. I guess that's why they say you should be careful what you ask for 'cause you just might get it. I guess this happened to me before. I asked for more income, and I was being given so many part-time jobs that it was humanly impossible to keep up. Hmm, maybe I should have asked for a higher-paying job instead?

Believe. This is the next step after you've asked for the things you want to attract into your life. You have to believe without a doubt that you will get what you ask for, and you have to believe that you deserve it.

I think this is the most difficult step for me. With all the negativity surrounding us, it's so easy to be discouraged and become pessimistic. They say that you will get what you ask for only if you believe in your heart and in your soul that you will receive it. How can you eliminate the doubts when you doubt even yourself? What more if what you ask for involves external factors? This is where I need to practise on!

Receive. The last step is when you finally receive what you ask for. However, it won't just fall on your lap. To receive, you should take whatever step you can take to bring you closer to that thing that you want. They say you should be ready to grab every opportunity without hesitation.

Again, this can be quite hard for me. How do I recognize if a particular opportunity is the one that will lead me to my goal? And then there's the fear that comes with trying out something. For example, I ask for a great job, and I do get a great job, but it would require me to relocate. Will I be willing to make the move?

Applying the Law of Attraction isn't so simple. They say it's a skill and one that needs a lot of practice to muster.

Well, I've added this to my personal goals. To apply the Law of Attraction in my daily life, and to think positively in everything. Hmmm.. quite a tall order!

As part of my Ask stage, I have created a manifesting blog. I read that you can create a manifesting picture book/scrapbook where you can put pictures of the things you want to attract in your life. It can be as simple as food that you want to eat or as extravagant as a trip to some exotic place. It also helps to write exactly what you want to achieve (with the specifics!). By doing so, it's like you're telling the universe that those are the things you want to attract into your life, and maybe it also helps you focus on what you really want and not get distracted or discouraged by the negatives.

Well, I don't have the patience to create a scrapbook, so I'm creating a blog for it instead. Hopefully, the universe is techie enough to see my wishes in the cyberworld LOL. But sorry, guys, this blog is strictly private :P

The Law of Attraction is not a new concept, and it is a universal law. It happens to us everyday. We just don't recognize it as such. Like attracts like. We attract both the positive and the negative. If we think that we'll lose in a game then we probably will. If we think that a friend will love the gift we bought for them then the friend will probably love it. If we start the day with a bad mood then bad things are bound to happen all day, whereas if we start our day with a sunny outlook then it most probably will be a good day for us.

Act as if you already have what you ask for. Be grateful for them today.

Source: http://healing.about.com/od/lawofattraction/Law_of_Attraction.htm