I've been chatting online, and I do enjoy it for the intelligent conversations -- information exchanges regarding different cultures, witty banters, friendly "debates" over differences in opinions, and generally just the exchange on insights about anything under the sun.

While online chatting is definitely fun, I've realized that it has also helped me a lot in getting rid of my prejudices.

About age. I meet a lot of mature people online. I used to flinch (I know, bad me! :P ) when I learn that the person I'm chatting with is almost twice my age or thereabout. Now, I'm perfectly comfortable talking to people who are almost as old as my dad or my uncles. They actually make for good conversations because these are the people who usually have a lot of wisdom to share, and they do give good advices!

About culture. I used to frown upon chatting with people from non-English speaking countries just because I know that language will be a challenge, and a lot of time will be consumed in trying to make myself understood. Now, I've gotten used to trying to understand what people are trying to say and in making my messages clearer. Plus this is an opportunity for me to learn some words in their language :)

About occupations. In the Philippines, we tend to associate blue collar jobs with the lack of education. Well, I've had a lot of good -- and intelligent -- conversations with people who have blue collar jobs. I also have a lot of online friends who didn't go to college but are really doing well in their careers -- as managers or what-have-yous. Just goes to show that in the end, what really matters is what you make of your life and not whether you're educated or not, or whether you're rich or poor.

About gender. I don't have a lot of gay friends in the "real world", and they actually make me quite uncomfortable sometimes because of how they talk or the things they talk about. Well, since the Internet makes it possible to meet a number of people in a single moment, I have come across some homosexuals (sorry, can't think of a better term), and surprisingly, they're easy to strike up a conversation with. They're actually quite funny, and they pretty much say exactly what's on their mind without any qualms.

Of course, there are also a lot of chatters who just talk nonsense, are rude, or are too angry and negative. Well, you can easily spot these in the first few minutes of conversation, and better to steer clear of such people. Negativity is contagious, and yes, it can get to you even if it's just on the Internet.

In everything I do, I always try to get the lessons that they bring. Well, online chatting is not only a fun and interactive activity but a learning experience as well.