There are times when we feel that something might happen, yet try to deny its possibility. And when it does happen, we still get surprised that it did and still wouldn't know how to deal with it.

I sort of have an obsession with the future. I can say the future is my greatest fear just because of the uncertainties it holds. If only I'd know how choosing each option will come out then it would be so much easier to reach my goals and avoid making mistakes. It would be so much easier to cushion the blows of life if I knew what was coming.

Unfortunately, life is not like the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to read when I was a kid where you can try another choice if the choice you previously made didn't lead to a good ending. In real life, you usually just have one shot at something, which can make or break the rest for you.

Friends have been encouraging me to take risks, that it's the only way I can grow. That even if I end up failing or getting hurt, it would still help me become a more mature person. As one friend said, "Jump into the cold water until it gets warm", not "Jump into the warm water until it gets cold".

Scary really. I have always played it safe, sticking to doing things in the ways I know work. I do not seek nor welcome change very much, but perhaps it's something I should introduce in my life. Easier said than done, though. Well, slowly, I hope to muster enough courage to welcome uncertainties in my life.