Friends always give me the advice to go with the flow, to play it by ear, or to wait and see. But what does it really mean to go with the flow? Does it mean just being at a standstill and waiting for what happens next?

I never believe passivity. I sorta get turned off or disappointed with people who don't drive their lives and who just wait for whatever comes. Reminds me of the Parable of the Talent. If you just keep and bury your talents then yes, you preserve them, but you don't advance or improve either.

I may not be a church goer (still trying to be one!), but I have great faith in God. I trust Him with my life, and I believe that whatever I have now, or wherever I am now is because of Him. However, there's also a saying that goes, Help yourself and God will do the rest. No matter how much faith you have, your dreams won't just fall from the sky or magically appear in front of you. You have to make them happen.

Whenever I pray, I don't ask God to give me (something) or make (something) happen. I pray that He gives me the strength and perseverance to achieve something, or that He gives me the guidance so that I may make the right decision in order to make something happen, because at the end of the day, it won't be God or anyone else who'll do things for me but myself.

I hope I don't sound preachy, but I really don't understand what going with the flow means, or how it is to wait and see. Does it mean not doing anything? I asked a friend how it is to go with the flow, and he said something like, "If you don't already know then I can't tell you" (???). Another friend I asked couldn't tell either.

I was talking to yet another friend recently, and I think she got the impression that I'm taking matters into my own hands, that everything has to be up to me. And yes, of course, I take matters into my own hands and have to decide on everything, because really, only I am accountable for myself. Although I have steadfast faith in God, He has gifted me with free will so that I can run my life the way I see fit. I can only pray for guidance and hope that I correctly understand God's message so that I may be guided accordingly.

I recently saw the movie Serendipity, and I thought it was pretty silly or shallow (No offense to those who love the movie). I believe that you should go after what you want or believe in and not wait for destiny to make it happen for you, especially when the opportunity is already right in front of you.

I'm not a believer in destiny. I believe that we are the ones who make things happen. Although I agree that destiny does intervene sometimes and makes things happen that are beyond our control, I still think that we should take a more active role in steering our lives where we want to go.