I find it fascinating to learn about the differences in how men and women think and feel. It's quite surprising to learn how men are so different from how women perceive them to be.

As someone who's interested in psychology, I find these kinds of "findings" really interesting. However, lately, I think there has been quite an overload of information on this topic. The Internet abounds with articles on this, and when I switch on the TV, there would be an author promoting his or her book on the same subject matter.

And they have the same pitch: To help women attract and keep a man. Sure, at first this seems very plausible. After all, they do come out with studies of all kinds, so why not this one, too? But with the volume of material being written about this now, I can't help thinking, are women really that desperate to have a man in their lives that they even need to consult these books? Can't they be happy otherwise?

Anyway, the main message of what these "experts" say is basically for a woman to be confident and happy with herself. In other words, women empowerment and self-love. They say that these are the things that will attract men (I wonder if these apply to Filipinos, too, since a lot of Filipino men would resent independent women), but regardless of whether this is true or not, I think that it is a win-win situation. If this theory of theirs is valid then you're bound to get and keep a great guy, but if it's not valid, then you should still be happy because you've taken care of yourself well and you are happy in and of yourself.

You complete me is a famous line from the movie Jerry McGuire, but as some experts have said, this shouldn't be the case, and I totally agree. You shouldn't have to rely on another person to be complete and happy. You should be happy and complete by yourself.

For me, having a relationship is something that's nice-to-have and not really a must-have -- sorta like icing on the cake. It shouldn't be the be-all and end-all of anyone's existence. In these times of failed relationships, I think that the only thing you can really be sure of is yourself, so start appreciating yourself more :)