An idle mind is a playground for thoughts -- no, not the negative kind this time. I guess I just wasn't too preoccupied this weekend. Actually kind of bored, and these flashes of thoughts keep entering my mind -- about how the future will be like.

It's like I am assuming how the future will pan out for me -- a sense of certainty about the future, and yet at the same time, I can't quite fathom how it will come to be. Again, that overwhelmed feeling washes over me.

But then I remember that I sorta felt this way, too, five to ten years ago. Despite people's cynical remarks about my future, I always knew that I'd be able to get to where I am now. Back then, I didn't know how, but I knew for sure that I would.

And sure enough, I'm here. I didn't even realize that I was slowly getting myself to where I envisioned myself to be. Things that I thought wouldn't be possible have now come to fruition.

It's true that when you help yourself God will do the rest, but it never ceases to amaze me just how God makes anything possible. And right now, I have this inexplicable feeling of being so darn ready for the next chapter of my life, it's both kinda scary and exciting at the same time. Scary because it might mean a lot of unforeseen changes and maybe even a diversion from the dreams and plans I've held on to all my life. Yet it's exciting, too, because I've learned to trust God so much that I know everything He brings into my life would be something great.