I just became regular at my new job -- well, not so new anymore, I guess. I didn't get a notice of the regularization, but since they haven't kicked me out yet, then I guess it's safe to assume that I passed the 6-month probationary period. If I get treated for lunch (new employees and regularized employees get a free lunch) then I'll know for sure.

This is just sort of a personal evaluation of my first six months on the job in terms of how happy I am. Well, I was definitely happy at my old job, but as with all things, we do have to move on to search for even better things for us.

What I miss...

Here are the things I miss from previous jobs. As much as I like my new job, one can never really have everything:

  • Teammates, colleagues, SMEs. Very kind-hearted people from whom I learned a lot of things and who never failed to give compliments about my work (a real ego-booster! lol). Miss my whacky teammates, the sharing of downloaded stuff, and hmm.. I think I miss the teasing too :P By the way, not that there's a shortage of kind-hearted people in my new job.. not at all..
  • Eating together. Again, this is team-related. I miss the sharing of lunch and the seemingly endless breaks!
  • Processes! Gosh, I never thought I'd miss processes! They used to seem so fussy, but now I really appreciate the value of standards and processes.
  • Technology documentation. Caused me a lot of heartbreak and frustration at first, but later become a great source of fulfillment. I miss databases a lot and cracking my brain trying to understand all those techie stuff.
  • Documentation tools. I have an entire blog entry dedicated to this =)
  • Trainings. Great opportunities for growth!

What I Dig...

And here are the things I really like about my new job:

  • Admin/HR. Simply superb!
  • No politics. I can only sigh in relief...
  • No stress. Finally, I'm "living!"
  • Moderate air conditioning. No more freezing fingers on the keyboard!
  • Leniency. The company works mostly on the honesty system, which is both good and bad. but if you're honest, then this system allows for a lot of breathing space.
  • Employee appreciation. This company is all for its employees. Even as a fairly new employee, I know I can air my concerns and they will be considered.


aschua said...

congrats on your regularization!

Reina said...

What a surprise :) You're reading my blog :) How are you? Well, take lots of care!

Anonymous said...

wow sarap naman =D
Congrats Reina!

Reina said...

Thanks, Kat! Good luck on your new job!:)