• It feels so good to travel very early in the morning when you feel like the road is yours alone. When I get to the office, I feel like the office is mine alone, too lol.
  • It's already close to 9:30 AM and I'm still alone in my team. That will be true for the next three or four hours... or more? Hmm, what's new? :P
  • I hardly use my proximity card. When someone sees me at the door, they open the door seemingly on impulse (They do this for everyone). Oh well, just as long as Barney doesn't find out. He told us on orientation day to always use our proximity cards when coming in to the office so that they have a record of our time-in. But according to Big Boss, they don't track our time-in/time-out anyway since we don't use our proximity cards for gong out. There's just sort of a button we need to press to open the door when going out. So why even bother digging out my proximity card from my bag?
  • Speaking of IT, It must be the only team whose members I know after working here for six months. Well, that was also true for the previous companies I've worked for. They're usually the first ones I get to know just because I have so many hardware problems and questions. Plus I have to go to them to borrow a headset. Why can't we be given our own headsets anyway? It's even up for reservation. But we have webcams.. what the...?
  • By the way, I've already signed my regularization contract, and we did go out for lunch. Hmm, I'm sure what we ate was more than the budget for my regularization lunch. Snickers must have paid the rest from his own wallet then -- for his very post-birthday celebration.
  • Well, Snickers and I had our birthdays in February and when I treated the team for lunch, we agreed to divide the bill equally between us, but Guitar Hero said Snickers should treat us to lunch separately. So there.. I ended up shouldering the bill. So I made sure to remind him last week that we hadn't forgotten his promised treat. Well, better late than never... yummy Japanese food!
  • Why Snickers? 'Cause he's always stealing my chocolates! Or whatever food he can steal from my workstation! Grrr..!!!
  • I was telling my dad that I've got my GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder) under control, and when i try to think of what has changed aside from I'm having better eating habits (well, I'd like to think so! =P ), I guess it's because I don't get stressed anymore. Stress was always a part of my life before. And on hindsight, I always wondered why I didn't get bouts of GERD during the weekends or vacation. Hmm...

Well, enough of the ramblings. I better get back to work....


Anonymous said...

We all know you have a thing for IT boys ;) Glad to know that some things don't change.

Reina said...

Haha... I was gonna say something, but never mind :P Thanks, Merl!

Glad no one from my company (except Let) knows about this blog! =)