"It just happened." I hear it said so much, it's sorta becoming overrated. Whenever something happens, and I ask how it happened, I would often get the answer "It just happened".

How can anything just happen? We're all given a mind of our own and a capability to make decisions, so how can you let something just happen? Even if something is about to "just happen", you still have a few minutes or something to think if you really want that something to happen. Even if someone forces you into something, it will still be your choice whether you want to be forced or not. You're always in control of your decisions, and unless you have some kind of mental problem then you should be able to stay on top of the things that you do.

"It just happened". Is this phrase, sentence or whatever just becoming a convenient excuse for wrong decisions, or a convenient explanation that would forgo having to explain details? Well, maybe so, but I still refuse to accept that things can just happen -- unless, of course, if it's a natural occurrence, but then that's another matter entirely.